Unit 65: Task 2

I have been moved through to the next round of the Tall Story Studios Competition and now have to create a working interactive animated graphic narrative, the information and listed below is to show how I plan to create the interactive graphic narrative and how it all ties in together and how it suits the client brief that Tall Story Studios has set for me.

Below is the final comic to show the style I will stick to and the dark colour palette that I started with.

I plan to have the arrows move across the screen whenever someone moves the mouse over that panel.

I will have Arrow zipline down from the bridge when you click on the bridge.

Bullets will fly too when a mouse goes over it.

I may include some door openings or maybe a bird flying past in the background.

I will most likely stick to the same colour palette but may feature a ‘swoosh’ sound effect when the arrows and bullets fly across the screen, the night scenes I could feature a cricket chirping noise, When the character hangs his hood up the mouse could make the light shine brighter and the door could open or close.

Below is a Mindmap of my ideas for the Graphic Narrative


Ben's Narrative Mindmap.png

Legal issues essay here : Research into Graphic Narrative Idea

The software I will use to create the interactive animation of my comic will be Adobe Illustrator as it allows me to create vector-based images I will use fungus the plug in for unity as it is the easiest to use and allows the creation of vector based animations for web. I will follow a similar basic dark colour palette and layout through the graphic narrative and web animation to set the mood for a dark twisted plot line and to show that the story is set during the night over a few days. This will get the reader intrigued and want to know more about the story, and they will begin to feel the emotions that the main character feels. The interactive assets will simply make the reader become further immersed in the story of the graphic narrative and will then hopefully fit the target audience.



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