
Transferable Skills:

How to work end to end multi-platform production

Experience in the field of editing and recording footage.

Camera handling skills

Knowing camera angles and how lighting can cause you to make a better video

Having a good eye for detail

Being able to take charge of a project

Knowing BBC Policies

Knowing how to research target audience and how different people react to different things

Knowing what role to take to perform certain tasks

Quick decision-making

Listening skills

Confident speaker in front of people

Production of .44 Magnum Model

I started of by acquiring a reference image and splining around it, this method is quick and simple and allowed me to create each individual part with it’s own movement system, this video below is an example of one of the models moving, the little loader trigger moves back when pulled and clicks forward when fired to shoot the bullet out of the barrel. The purpose of the video is to showcase progress in modelling the gun.

The next video below is the production of the gun and how I animated the trigger, this is just a rough one as it isn’t really textured unlike the one above. I have now finished the asset so I shall upload a final render video soon.

3D modelling and Animation Report


  1. 3D can be found in many types of media and non-media types like TV, film, games and advertisements but it can also be used by palaeontologists by creating a 3D reconstruction of a dinosaur using fossils and other evidence of the size and shape, and archaeologists can use 3D in the same way except they can reconstruct buildings from old eras using items they have dug up.
  2. 3D software that I know are blender, Unity and cinema 4D I have only personally worked with cinema 4D and Unity a bit but the advantages of using blender is that it can be used effectively for experienced designers and it is usable to animators as it has the capabilities to make animations however the interface seems quite complex so it may not appeal to less able designers who are new to the business, Unity isn’t completely useful for designing things for industry so it isn’t classed as an industry standard software for designing but it is good for developing and scripting games, Cinema 4D is the software I have been using to create certain items and it is excellent for designing models and items such as that but it is quite expensive as it is seen as industry standard software but it allows you to mould the shapes into any way you like and creating lighimagesting in a professional way.
  3. This image is intended for the video game industry as it is an image from the game Assassin’s Creed Revelations.
  4. Geometric theory is how basic shapes are created, first you start with a point (vertex) but joining to points together creates an edge and joining a third point to the shape creates a face or by having 3 touching edges minimum creates a face too. In this image you can see that lots of shapes have been used and moulded to create this stunning looking background in front of the character so the creator of this part of the game has used a geometric theory to create the points on top of the towers in the distance.
  5. A world of this size requires quite a lot of rendering so this game is slightly pre rendered during the opening cut scene, however when you start the game and properly start playing the game renders in real-time as it is most efficient for modern games also it helps to keep the polygon count high but without making the game slow down and crash lots of times.imgres
  6. To create this dinosaur model the creator has use many techniques like hypernurbs to round off the corners of the T-rex and make it seem more realistic and give it a professional finish, there are lots of primitive shapes that have been used here too as you can see in the first image the shapes are very clear as the vertices are more defined due to the model not being rounded.
  7. The most common viewing modes when making 3D models are front, back and right as they are the best angles to get a good view on how to mould the primitive shapes, the tool that is more commonly used is the extrusion tool as it helps to bring parts of a shape from the inside, out to form a shape, I am currently planning on making car models, therefore I will need to use stretch and knife tools to create a box shape then to finish the final product I will have to use hypernurbs to creat a rounded off effect to the edges of the car model, The bevel tool can also be used in this modelling process by allowing me to add more segments to the edges of the shape creating a more accurate way of rounding off the edges and making them look more professional.
  8. The dinosaur was possibly created using the main views which include perspective, front, top and right these were used to make all the primitive shapes join together and align perfectly it also helps make the final product look professional as you can look at it from an angle that is more block-like and accurate.
  9. There are lots of types of 3D lighting such as spot light, natural light and artificial light in this image you can see the shading under the T-rex so the creator has used some natural lighting possibly as it would come from above and that’s where the light is.
  10. The lighting seems to cover the whole area so it is a big area light also the shadows suggest the light isn’t just in one spot but there isn’t any other effects to it as it doesn’t seem to be a rendered final version.
  11. Material is used to mainly make an object seem more realistic whereas texture is simply just wrapped around the object for look rather than physical properties.
  12. The T-rex image has lots of shading in it around the bottom of the body, head and tail, also the T-rex hasn’t had any material editing as it isn’t a finished product it also hasn’t got any textures on it.
  13. Direct X is a system that is used for making 3D scenes from the simple primitive shapes and is used and created by Microsoft, open gl is the same sort of thing as they both work with the graphics card to create the scene that is required for the game or
  14. Lots of rendering techniques have gone into this image such as global illumination to make the scene look like its outside, when the model was created it was probably preview rendered as that is the most accurate way of seeing if your final product will look any good. Furthermore, the way the image has been made makes it easier for it be compressed down and reopened and still look good at very small resolutions like I have made it into, this sort of work makes it look professional and could be used for media purposes like adverts and tv.

Working To A Brief Task 1 Unit 5

There are 8 types of brief that are used these days, these are as follows:

Contractual, Negotiated, Formal and Informal, Tender, Cooperative and Competition.

Contractual brief –  This type is pretty straight forward and involves a legal bonding via contract, both parties sign a mutual agreement which, if broken or abused, can be used to take the other party to court. The benefits of this brief type is that it is very straight forward, therefore avoiding any confusion of what is to be expected of the contact and of the client. This form of brief is useful as it protects both parties legally, however the client may add some small print which may cause some issues with the employee and if they don’t spot it then they may be in some trouble.

Formal brief – This form is filled with detailed information of what the client/company expects, it tries to avoid adding any extra unnecessary parts and ultimately gets straight to the point. The advantage of this brief type is that it is concise and clear as it tends to refrain from issuing too many legal terms, it also provides the ability to work around the brief and is quite flexible yet, it is not always a legal binding contract. However it has its disadvantages too such as; it is possible for the client and employee to disagree on each others terms and opinions which may be listed in said contract.

Informal brief – This form of brief is mainly verbal and doesn’t usually require much writing, the client simply describes the brief and what is expected to the employer. This form of brief is good as it is one of the more flexible ones, due to its lack of writing it allows the rules or guidelines to be stretched slightly and allows the employee to add opinions and try to influence how the brief is. However this also comes as a disadvantage as the client can twist the brief and cause the employee to have to work under conditions that they may deem unethical or uncomfortable.

Co-operative Brief – This form of brief involves two or more production companies that may work together in order to finish the assigned task, the task at hand must be completed by the deadline or else all companies involved may go downhill and start to lose clients. This form of brief has its advantages mainly because it allows you to spread out the work between your workforce instead of trying to independently work on a brief and rush it because it’s a lot of work. It helps to build communication skills too among the employees, this may lead to them being able to transfer these skills to other workplaces. This has it’s downside too as the team may have different opinions on certain things, this can cause a mishap and the final product may not be as good as the client wishes it to be.

Negotiated – This form of brief involves both client and employee agreeing on terms and agreeing to the demands and requirements, this brief form must include an agreement on both sides as it may cause lots of issues in the future, to clarify and smooth any issues between both parties there may be some final ideas and products ready from both and/or either parties. The advantage of this brief type is that it involves having to include ideas and evidence to strengthen the trust in the brief and developing the brief around the ideas in order to please both parties and merge them into one big idea. However like the other briefs; negotiated briefs have their downside as the actual negotiation period may go on for too long or may be postponed by either parties which will weaken the trust and may cause some disagreements.

Commission – This form of brief is used between two media companies, a smaller independent company may approach a producer regarding work, for example the BBC may commission a smaller company to create a series of shows for them such as ‘A question of sport.’ The advantage of this is that the independent company will receive all of the payment for the work done and even some of the larger company’s profit that they have made on the final product. Alternatively the larger company may become greedy and may not even pay the smaller company the full amount or credit them for their work.

Tender – This brief is a little bit like the TV show Dragon’s Den in that lots of potential employees pitch an idea to the bigger company and hope to be picked and work on the big idea, then the client will pick the best one to be hired under the client brief. The upside to this is that the potential employee will be more motivated to work on their pitched idea and put more focus and effort into creating a pristine quality product, this therefore makes them more productive. However for this brief to work there has to be an element of competition which can lower morale among the people on the losing company especially if it was their first big break in a while and they lost it.

Competition – This leads on to the final brief type, competition is created among lots of potential candidates as the brief is made public for anyone to apply and search for. Each corporation creates its own brief then they are judged and proclaimed as winner, then the leads on to publication of the brief and working for the corporation.A advantage of this is that lots more companies will have higher chances as it is open to people with very little or no experience at all, this can make these other companies shine and show how good they are. However once again there is a disadvantage to this form brief it is that the winner of the free-of-all may have to still pay a fee to be crowned winner officially, this may cause the company to want to pull out of the job opportunity as they may be forced to give up quite a large portion of their income just to potentially earn more or equal to the amount they lost.


Part B

The company is called Zenna Games, they are looking to develop a mobile/tablet game as they have recently released a string of popular and successful games. They are an independent game company and they want diversity in their games.

They would like at least 6 models created by from scratch as well as 2 animated items and a minimum of 2 characters that are incorporated into the game.

This is fine for me as I have previous experience with modelling and animating, this suits me because one of my strengths is modelling.

The assets should be good as they are made by me and I am somewhat strong at modelling assets.

I will definitely need to improve my animation skills in order to improve the quality of my work and make it as close to industry standard as possible.

Zenna Games has only provided a small amount of information, however The Behemoth is another company similar to Zenna Games as they are also a small indie game company, The Behemoth has a specific graphic style which is usually cartoonish or celshaded, this is because they market to kids and their games don’t feature too many bad things. They mainly focus on small indie games or games that get produced on the Xbox Live MarketPlace, their most successful games include; BattleBlock Theatre and Alien Homid. They may require more animators or modellers for their next game which would suit me perfectly as that is one of my strengths.

This is an example of a brief, writing the tender for this brief requires a lot of work and effort, to fulfil the requirement you must write out every little detail, the big company then looks over all the terms and you will need to go through the 4 stages to progress towards becoming employed by the bug company, for example the link above shows how ‘A Question of Sport’ would go through the tender process, first you start with ‘tender eligibility’ so you get checked to see if you’re ok to be accepted for the job. The second stage is ‘tender submission and short list’ this means that you get considered after being checked as ok and then you are placed on the shortlist for the job. Stage 3 is the interview when you go to meet the client and discuss matters further. Stage 4 is when you get the ‘award’ or you get taken on as an employee and made to continue to produce the show that was stated.

SWOT Analysis


Keyframing in Adobe After Effects

3D modelling

Pre Production

Concept design


Moving Puppets in Adobe After Effects



The college provides macs for me to work on

The software on the macs allows me to create models and animations

I am currently building a PC strong enough to run the software I require so I can do college work at home too


most people in the college as we will all be fighting for a spot in Universities and for the best marks and grades

Other people applying for jobs in the industry

software/technology not working at times when I really need them to