Paperwork for Web Design/Evaluation

Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 11.29.35.pngWebsite:



Website Proposal 

Production Diary


These are the pictures I created, I took and edited all the pictures myself along with the time lapse and the little gif in the corner of the webpage.

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In the initial planning of the website we spoke to the client asked about what colour scheme they wanted and what sort of content they wanted in the website, the lady settled on a light colour scheme but after testing how it looked we had to settle with a dark colour scheme to fit with the planning and look of the website, a light colour scheme would have clashed and contrasted the colours too much and you wouldn’t be able to focus on the media rich content in the website. We showed the client the edited design and she was happy with it. The content itself was chosen by the client, our team felt that this would be better as it brings the client into the work and makes it feel more personal to them. The dark brown colour was supposed to represent the typical milk chocolate look as this website was created for a chocolatier, because of the colour you can instantly tell what the website is about and it may entice customers to buy their wares.

The layout of the website was chosen by all of us as we felt it fitted the purpose of being media rich and featuring lots of information on what the company is and what they sell. The client was happy with the layout and everything was good, we used jpg pictures as they load quickly and set the resolution right, this made sure the websites was functioning and it didn’t take ridiculously long to load the images.

The media we used in the website was a mixture of some facebook photos of the workers and some of the above pictures I took and edited, the use of the photos is to make the website media rich, this provides a good experience and helps to give the professional look and feel, the pictures where finalised an chosen by the client. This is because in the real working world everything has to be run by the client because they are the ones paying you for the work, therefore we did exactly that and for most of the pictures they were happy but some of the photos were removed, we decided to add a little time-lapse, which I filmed and edited, this was to show how nice the area is and to make any customers want to visit the shop. We also added a little gif, which I created also, the gif provides a nice logo that is memorable and shows that this company is legit and is very professional. The logo helps to make the rest of the website media rich and attracts more people which is exactly what the client will.

in the end the client was very happy with the finished product, along with my team and I, all improvements were rectified and sorted after receiving feedback.

Website Testing:

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Theseare screenshots of how the website looks on Safari, Firefox and a tablet/smaller screen, the wesbite works well with all types, therefore I have concluded that the website functions as expected.Screen Shot 2016-06-28 at 11.29.35.png

This is a wireframe design for the website, it will feature a big header, a big picture along with a caption or a piece of text to the left.

Ethical and Legal constraints

When creating content for any part of the media sector you have to be careful due to the market being so similar these days, therefore you must check to find any content that may be going against the copyright laws and fair use regulations that stop theft of creative content. For example if a company like Treyarch have created some original content like their “zombies” game mode throughout their “Black Ops” series and if another gaming company decides to try and copy their idea then they can sue the coping company and cause issues for them, this means that when you create any sort of content you must make you sure you do some market research to discover any future issues and resolve them before it results in legal battles in court.

I will need to make sure I follow the fair use law and use my own content created myself or if it’s available to me use royalty free content, for example if a youtube video has a certain song playing, if that song says “royalty free” or “copyright free” then it means the song or content in the video is ok to use for free and in any way you like. I also need to be careful with ethical issues like race discrimination or religious issues, for example I may need to state a warning at the beginning to stop anyone who is easily offended by any of the content in the product to not look at it, if I were to make a video about the holocaust, for example, I would definitely need some sort of message at the beginning just to stop anyone who may have been affected by the holocaust, doing this will also help me avoid court cases too as it is illegal or against the codes of practice to use certain content ie; nudity or high levels of blood and gore.

The 2 examples of regulations in the gaming industry that I have found are the rules on age ratings and gambling legislation, these two work together well; for example, GTA is a very controversial game series due to the content it contains, gambling is one of the issues in the games and therefore the age rating has been set very high, however other factors also play into this like the blood or gore levels and whether there is nudity and drugs in the game. According to pegi’s rating list for a game to be rated 18 it needs to have “detailed levels of violence towards either human characters or animals”, along with “sexual violence” or “sexual actions” and the “use of illegal drugs.” As a creative media producer you must look out for signs of these in your game or creative product and make sure the product is given a suitable age rating, otherwise you may find yourself in a court case for inappropriate age ratings etc.